v.10 Update

MAC version of this build coming soon.

Update on 5/7/22 includes:

-Added the reward items for rescuing the lost souls. Two of them are quest items which will be used in a later build.

-Added an introduction screen to the beginning of the demo to help guide the player along. Only appears if your save file is empty!

-Added the dashing movement back into the game so it feels like less of a chore to get to different places.

-Added "trophies" to the player's room. Certain quests will spawn interactive props.

-Added the climbing movement back into the game. Now you can climb up to the tree house!

-Added more interactive props to the house.

-Fixed the player's journal appearing in first person view.

-Fixed the saving/deleting system not working properly. You can save your game at the player's computer or let it autosave when you quit the game.

-Fixed the fog being disabled when the game gets restarted from the main menu.

-Fixed the timers for the stove, microwave, and washing machine not resetting when changing scenes. They now properly reset.

-Fixed a glitch where a mudball object would appear if the player's inventory already contained it.

-Fixed a glitch where you would lose the mudball if you left the home world. It will now respawn in its original place so you can collect it again.

-Fixed the lost souls appearing in the Dreamloop after having already been rescued.

-Fixed a few grammatical goofs.

-Fixed a glitch where if the player pressed the interact button while in the inventory screen, the game would unpause and the inventory ui would stay on the screen.

-Fixed a glitch where if you stood next to an NPC, quit to the menu, and then started the game again, the target system would become bugged.

-Fixed a glitch that prevented the player from being able to use the inventory while in first person.

Still To Do:

-Fix the lost souls stacking on top of each other when they move downhill.

-Change the dash button so it doesn't affect the flashlight.

-Stop the phone from ringing when entering the dialogue mode, but also allow the phone audio to play dialogue speech clips.


prologue_v.1.7z 95 MB
May 21, 2022

Get Dream Child

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