v.02 Update

Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to play my demo and I appreciate all the feedback I've gotten.

Update on 11/9/21 includes these fixes:

-Interact Mode (First Person) can only be activated when the player is standing still. You can now freely enter and exit First Person.

-When you walk up to the bed to sleep, it incorrectly displays an image of a PlayStation circle as the interact button. It should either be the letter F or an image of the Xbox B button, depending on what the current detected input is. This is now the case.

-When you bounce on the mushroom guy, you have to jump and make contact with his body while he's in the air. This is actually intentional, but can be incredibly frustrating to get the timing right, so I'm going to just allow the bounce at all times.

-If you're in Interact Mode (First Person) and begin to climb, the camera switches to a third person view, but the player model stays hidden. This has been fixed.

-When you fall off the Great Wall, there are vines near the pirate ship that the player can use to climb back up. Added more to various points along the wall so the player won't have to backtrack so far.

-Made it more obvious the quests don't actually work right now.

-Enabled swimming in the dream world, despite it looking a bit janky.

-Enabled jumping while swimming so the player can jump out of the water.

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